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E-Generation Project is designed to lend support and bring awareness to our elders in the community. The programme seeks to bring out the many hidden strengths of our former leaders, teachers, parents and once “movers and shakers” of our society, who have helped shape our lives, their community. The YMCA provided a comfortable environment in an atmosphere that embraces the universal principles of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility, which we believe will foster continued spiritual, mental, physical and emotional growth in our seniors.

Participants receive information and monthly instructions on health and fitness, aquatic exercise, basic computer literacy, financial planning. as well as offering enjoyable activities like Ti Chi, Spa Days, Message Therapy, First Aid and Field Trips.

We thank the Ministry of the People and Social Development for partnering with our organization to ensure our senior members can continue to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

E-Generation Elders in Action

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